Latest Technology News

Microsoft bangs another nail in Adobe Flash's coffin with a big change to Edge

Flash is not as integral to the web as it once was, but it’s still required for some content, despite being a huge security nightmare.

Microsoft, like Google and Mozilla, wants to hasten the transition away from Flash to a more modern, standards based web, and so plans to make a big change to Edge in the forthcoming Anniversary Update to Windows 10.

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The FBI vs Apple fight is not over

The recent furore between Apple and the FBI over access to the San Bernadino shooter’s iPhone brought privacy debates firmly into the public eye. Despite tech giants, politicians and privacy campaigners explaining the potential ramifications of the case, many people remained on the fence.

A recent survey by the Pew Research Centre found that the majority of Americans sided with the FBI and believe that Apple should have complied with its demands. I find this deeply concerning because it shows how easily our collective privacy could be eroded in the name of national security, and also how little most people seem to understand the encryption technologies which protect us all.

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Pfizer and IBM using Internet of Things for Parkinson's Disease project

While life can be a glorious thing, there are many scourges that can make it more difficult. Between things like cancer and heart disease, it can be impossible to get through the minefield of life unscathed. Unfortunately, there are many more health risks out there than just those two aforementioned examples.

One particularly heartbreaking condition is Parkinson's Disease. While many people have the affliction, Michael J. Fox is one person that comes to mind when discussing it. The disease causes him, an others, to lose body control, making day-to-day activities a tiring chore. Today, Pfizer announces that it is partnering with IBM to focus on improving Parkinson's Disease care by using the Internert of Things.

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Apple could soon censor swearing in your music collection

As the parent of a young child I often have to give some serious thought as to what music I play in the car when she’s with me, in order to avoid accidentally exposing her to a song peppered with swear words.

This problem could soon become a thing of the past however, as Apple has patented a method of using software to automatically censor swearing in music and audio books.

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For $500 you could look through your competitor's email

Facebook teams up with Yahoo to create new, safe email standard

So you want to snoop through your competition’s email? Yeah, we can make that happen, but it’ll cost ya! How much? You’d be surprised. Secure Works’ researchers have dug deep into a popular cyber-crime forum to find out how much it costs to hire a hacker to do your dirty work, and the results, somewhat surprising, have been published in the Secure Works report.

Apparently, the luxury of reading your competitor’s email will cost you $500 (£353). To make things even better, the hacker will not change the email’s password or anything, so it will be pretty darn hard for the victim to realize they're being spied upon.

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Eagle Mode: not your average file manager

Tired of Windows Explorer? There are alternatives around, but most use a very similar core interface with a few extras bolted on.

Eagle Mode is more imaginative. There’s no folder tree, no file pane, in fact it doesn’t look much like a file manager at all. Until you begin to explore…

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Startup company launches solution to protect connected cars from cyber attacks

In our increasingly connected world it isn't just your computer or smartphone that can fall victim to attack. The Internet of Things is producing a whole new generation of vulnerable devices.

Not least of these are connected cars where attackers can potentially infiltrate and take control over car systems, even killing the engine as you drive.

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Reddit launches official Android and iOS apps

Reddit has evolved into one of the most popular websites in the world but, despite its success, the self-titled "front page of the Internet" never released an official app. So, over the years, users have turned to third-party clients, one of which -- Alien Blue -- Reddit actually bought two years ago. Now though users are finally getting the real deal.

Reddit has finally launched official apps for Android and iOS. They come with support for inline images and themes, and promise "simpler navigation", and more. Here is what else you can expect.

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Basic API security measures are often overlooked


APIs are the glue that holds much of the digital world together, connecting systems, apps and data. But a new survey reveals that many organizations are failing to place enough emphasis on API security.

Research company Ovum in partnership with bot detection and mitigation firm Distil Networks, surveyed 100 IT and security professionals. They found that 30 percent of APIs are planned out with no input from the IT security team and 27 percent of APIs proceed through the development stage without the IT security team weighing in.

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Internet of Things is now mainstream, Verizon says

Internet of things

According to a new report released by Verizon, the Internet of Things is now mainstream. The report, titled State of the Market: Internet of Things (IoT), used the company’s customer usage data, research from Oxford Economics, customer case studies, and third party data to come to its conclusion in regard to the future of IoT.

Verizon’s experts see the combination of five macrotrends as the catalyst behind the IoT finally being embraced by consumers and businesses.

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New platform streamlines enterprise software deployment

Modern software is often complex, perhaps running services on multiple machines. This can make deployments complex and prone to errors.

Software deployment specialist Puppet is launching the latest version of its Puppet Enterprise platform which gives development teams control over and insight into the changes they want to push out.

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FBI briefs senator about how it cracked San Bernardino iPhone, but keeps Apple in the dark

It turned the case of the century in to the case that didn’t really happen. The battle between Apple and the FBI came to a sudden end last month when the US Justice Department said it didn’t need the iPhone manufacturer's help, and then successfully hacked its way into the iPhone in question.

With the San Bernardino shooter's iPhone seemingly successfully cracked, the FBI last night revealed to Senator Dianne Feinstein just how it managed it. There are no current plans to share this information with Apple, but FBI Director James Comey revealed that the tool that was brought in only works on the iPhone 5c.

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Nvidia announces Pascal-powered Tesla P100 GPU

Nvidia has just announced a new GPU platform called the Tesla P100. However this new GPU is not intended for gamers, but rather for hyperscale datacenter applications.

The Tesla P100 platform will include the company’s Pascal GPU architecture along with the newest memory, semiconductor process and packaging technology to allow for the best graphical and computing experience from such a densely packed card.

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Newegg bolsters its customer service with Facebook Messenger

As a PC builder, Newegg is a website on which I spend a lot of time. Not only does this online retailer offer great prices, reliable customer service, and a large amount of available products, but it is a great resource for learning too. Even if you aren't looking to spend money, you can "window shop" at the new offerings, as a way to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies.

Today, Newegg enables a new feature that is really cool and forward-thinking. You can now interact with the retailer's customer service using Facebook Messenger. In other words, the social network's messenger service has value that expands beyond casual chatting -- it is also a legit business tool, dubbed "Messenger for Business".

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Android gaining ground mainly at Windows Phone's expense

Windows Phone sales took a dive in 2015, and it looks like the trend continues in 2016 as well. The platform is losing ground in major markets across the globe, according to a new report by Kantar Worldpanel ComTech. And Android is taking advantage of it.

In the three months ending February 2016, Windows Phone saw its market share drop considerably in five major European markets (France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and Spain), and US and Australia, with Android adding the percentage points it lost under its belt. Things are looking better in China and Japan, however.

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