Articles about iOS

Our advice? Hold off upgrading to iOS 5

You've been waiting months to upgrade your iPhone 3GS or 4 to iOS 5. Today was supposed to be the day. If you don't mind sitting around waiting for downloads to drip, drip, drip bit by bit, we suggest doing something else more useful with your time.

Updating to iOS 5 is becoming quite the ordeal for some, as Apple's servers are struggling to keep up with demand. Betanews has received and seen numerous reports of unusually long upgrade times, or upgrades failing altogether.

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Apple releases iCloud, iOS 5 and Mac OS X 10.7.2 -- get them now!

Early this afternoon, Apple flipped the switch making iCloud and its next-version mobile operating system broadly available. To use one you'll need the other, and for Mac owners that also means OS X 10.7.2. If you didn't get iTunes 10.5 yesterday, you'll need it, too.

In many respects, the big news from Apple this week isn't iPhone 4S, no matter how long the buying lines might be come Friday, but iCloud and iOS 5. As I contended earlier today: "iCloud is Apple's killer app". iCloud is a synchronization service that pushes email, contacts and calendars -- like predecessor MobileMe -- and offers online data storage. But there's much more, such as synchronization of applications or digital content like music and movies purchased from the App Store across devices. It's unsurprising that Apple would take a sync-across devices approach. After all, the company generates most of its revenue from selling hardware, not offering cloud services.

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iOS 5 update improves video conferencing for LifeSize

Today, Logitech's video conferencing subsidiary LifeSize announced that its ClearSea mobile video conferencing system is immediately available for iOS 5, and that it will offer support for the iPhone 4S in November.

Last July, LifeSize announced it had acquired Italian mobile video conferencing company Mirial, who was building enterprise video conferencing solutions for consumer mobile devices. ClearSea is a product of Mirial's work and addresses the growing trend of "Bring your own Gear to work," also known as The consumerization of IT.

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Apple iOS 5 launches October 12

Apple's highly-anticipated iOS update is coming your way. Today, during its "Let's talk iPhone" event, the Cupertino, Calif.-based company officially launched the fifth version of the mobile operating system. iOS 5 will be a download available for all currently supported devices, including iPad, iPhone 3GS and 4 and the new smartphone coming later this month. iOS 5 will be available on October 12.

Apple is pinning much on iOS 5, which weaves tightly with iCloud, the new suite of online synchronization services. The company unveiled both in early June, during the Worldwide Developer Conference. Apple claims more than 200 enhancements.

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Apple: 250 million iOS devices have sold

At Apple's "Let's talk About iPhone" event today, CEO Tim Cook revealed the sheer size of Apple's reach by announcing the company has sold 250 million iOS-powered devices. Interestingly, though the event is dedicated to iPhone, the iPhone makes up only a small part of this total.

Naturally, the biggest segment of this comes from the iPod, which commands a 78% percent market share in the personal media player business. Cook said some 300 million iPods have been sold around the world, and 45 million of them were sold in the year that ended in June.

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Apple: 6 million Mac OS X Lion downloads

Apple CEO Tim Cook stepped into the huge shoes left by cofounder Steve Jobs, kicking off the all-important "Let's talk about iPhone" event in Cupertino, Calif. Today's launch event is a crucial coming-out party for Cook as new CEO. He replaced Steve Jobs in August.

Cook dropped some big news right away: Since its release two months ago, Mac OS X 10.7, aka Lion has been downloaded 6 million times. However he didn't indicate whether those were separate purchases or not. Buyers are allowed to install the software on multiple Macs in the home, which means more than one download per purchase.

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Identify TV shows with your iPhone camera and VideoSurf

Deep video search company VideoSurf on Thursday launched its mobile application for iOS which lets users point their iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad camera at a TV screen and the app can identify what show is currently being displayed.

Something like Google Goggles and Shazam combined, the app can identify shows, episodes and actors as they appear on the screen to give viewers more information more immediately.

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Finally, Adobe offers PDF creation app for iOS

Adobe has been a little slow venturing into the world of iOS software, but the release of Adobe CreatePDF sees it further branching out onto the platform with one of its most well-known services -- the creation of PDF files. iOS is not a platform you would naturally associated with a task such as creating PDFs, but Adobe feels that there is sufficient demand to justify a dedicated app; and quite a pricey one at that.

For $9.99 Adobe CreatePDF offers to create PDF files of the same standard as Adobe Acrobat. This sounds great in theory, even if the price tag is somewhat eye-watering, but there are some issues that need to be borne in mind. Firstly, as the name subtly suggests, this is an app concerned solely with the creation of PDFs. If you are looking to view PDF files you have created or downloaded, you’ll have to look elsewhere.

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Apple scoops up developer as intern

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. 19-year-old creator Nicholas Allegra -- better known by his hacker handle "comex" -- has been hired as an intern by Apple, he disclosed on Thursday night.

Allegra had been searching for an internship while taking some time off from studies at Brown University. Up until recently he had continued to develop the website that thousands have used over the past few years to jailbreak their iOS devices. It appears in the end, however, that he felt like he had to move on.

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Annotate your photos with Skitch for Android, iOS

It has been a busy few days for Evernote recently. Less than a week ago the company acquired the Mac application Skitch, and this was quickly followed by a big update to the Evernote iOS app. Just as the main Evernote notetaking app is available on a range of platforms, so Skitch is available not only for Mac but also for Android, making it possible to add annotations and doodles to the photos you take.

Skitch enables you to use a number of text and drawing tools to add information to photographs you have taken. This could take the form of useful notes about a snap you took on holiday, such as the name of a restaurant or attraction you liked, or it could be notes to help someone else understand what is visible in an image.

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2017: When PCs go the way of the dinosaur?

Today, In-Stat predicted that the global tablet market will reach 250 million shipments by 2017. It's a seemingly big number, but its real significance is bigger: How much will tablets displace PC sales?

Right now the global install base of PCs is about 1 billion units. Shipments have been above 300 million PCs per year, but they're way down in mature markets, still strong in some emerging markets and losing sales to tablets, according to both Gartner and IDC. Is there market sustainable enough for 300 million PCs and 250 million tablets? I'm the wrong person to answer, having already proclaimed -- to the chagrin of many Betanews commenters -- that the "PC era is over."

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5 things Apple borrowed from Android for iOS 5

Apple's iOS 5 is slated for release this fall, presumably with iPhone 5. But the Android Army doesn't have to wait, like the iPhone idolators. Android users can have some of those features now. Looks like Apple has been doing a little copycatting. Again.

It's funny, since hardcore Apple enthusiasts are so quick to accuse whenever they see anyone copying the slightest thing from Steve Jobs' company. They're not as fast to acknowledge when Apple does the, ah, borrowing. I'm glad to do it for them.

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