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Customers penalize businesses with a bad mobile experience

Think mobile experience isn’t important to the success of your business? Think again. A massive 85 percent of people are unlikely to do business with a company following a bad mobile experience, according to the results of a new study from LogMeIn and research firm Vanson Bourne.

The study also revealed that businesses are currently falling short in delivering satisfying mobile experiences for their customers, with the number of respondents happy with their last mobile engagement with a business dropping from 59 percent in 2015 to 52 percent in 2016.

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Do you own an HP or Compaq PC? It could be a fire hazard -- find out if it is recalled here

HP makes great computers -- I wouldn't hesitate for a moment in recommending the brand to friends or family looking for a new PC. With that said, no manufacturer is infallible; defects and recalls can happen to them all.

Today, a new recall for both HP and Compaq computers is announced by the US Government. Unfortunately, it is a pretty nasty one, as these laptops are deemed both fire and burn hazards. Real property has actually been damaged by the flawed machines. Luckily, by replacing the battery, the risk can be removed. If you own an HP or Compaq laptop, keep reading to see if you are affected.

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UK tech industry reacts to Brexit

Union flag keyboard

As the UK awoke this morning -- at least those parts of it that hadn't been glued to the poll results through the early hours -- to find that it had voted to leave the European Union, there was plenty of reaction.

While the pound fell and the stockmarket shuddered, technology companies have been quick to add their take on the news.

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Windows 10 has 30 percent of the market and is catching up on Windows 7 -- according to Microsoft

NetMarketShare is set to release its monthly desktop operating system usage share figures for June in one week’s time, and given how aggressively Microsoft has been pushing Windows 10 in the run up to the launch of the Anniversary Update, and the end of the free promotion period, it should make for interesting reading.

Microsoft has just updated its own Windows market share figures, covering April 2016, and as you might expect they show Windows 10 making big gains. Huge gains, in fact.

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What is the most popular Surface tablet?

While we know how much revenue the Surface line generates, as Microsoft posts these figures in quarterly earnings reports, the same cannot be said about unit sales. The software giant prefers to keep these numbers under wraps, leaving us in the dark with regards to which one of its Windows-powered tablets is most popular.

However, a new report by cross-promotion network AdDuplex shares some light on the matter, giving us a usage share breakdown for the six most popular Surface devices, including the most expensive and controversial of the bunch, the Surface Book.

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Tech giants promise to diversify their workforce

Intel, SAP, Lyft, Spotify and VMware are just some of the 30 Silicon Valley based companies that have signed a "Tech Inclusion Pledge" as a promise that they will promote diversity in their workplaces going forward.

Two years ago, the civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson pointed out the lack of diversity in the tech companies operating out of Silicon Valley. He went so far as to press a number of companies to release their data regarding the number of African Americans, Hispanics and women employed at their organizations.

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Apple is leaving the iOS 10 kernel unencrypted... to increase security

Each new version of iOS is eagerly awaited, and at its Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) Apple unveiled a preview of iOS 10. Much has been made of the new features, but developers probing the operating system are making a surprising discovery. The kernel of iOS 10 is unencrypted.

In the current climate of security-awareness, this might seem like something of an unusual decision. But Apple says that the change has been made to improve performance, and it could even help to increase security.

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Think twice before accepting LinkedIn invitations from strangers

Have you ever wondered if someone on LinkedIn is not really who they say they are? I’m not being paranoid here, this is a legitimate question.

If your answer is "No", you’re not alone. A vast majority of people never wonder if there are fake accounts requesting to connect on the professional social network, and almost a quarter accept requests from people they don’t really know.

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Best Windows apps this week

One-hundred and eighty-six in a series. Welcome to this week's overview of the best apps, games and extensions released for Windows 8.x and Windows 10 in the past seven days.

Microsoft pushed out a Windows Store update this week that displays a prompt during the installation of large apps and games so you can choose the install location. The feature will be part of this Summer's Anniversary update.

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ExtraBits is a time-saving Explorer extension

ExtraBits is an Explorer extension which adds some time-saving commands to the file and folder right-click menu. The program is free for non-commercial use, but has a notable limitation: it only works on up to 100 files or folders in a single operation.

ExtraBits doesn’t make any obvious changes during installation, but if you select and right-click multiple files or folders you’ll find a new ExtraBit menu with several options.

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37 percent of Americans would prefer better automation at work to a better sex life

digital couple

Whether it says more about their work lives or home lives is unclear, but it seems that more than 1 in 3 working Americans would prefer having a better way to automate all their routine work tasks, such as booking meetings, than have a better sex life. What's also interesting is that 44 percent of those were women and 30 percent were men.

This is among the findings of a survey by automation specialist carried out in conjunction with Wakefield Research. It also finds that Americans are willing to give up some personal information in exchange for a more automated life.

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Dropbox update introduces document scanning on Android, iOS

Dropbox has just announced a host of new features that will hopefully help the service retain its current users and possibly attract some new users as well.

The company has added many new features to its cloud storage software, but the most notable is the ability to use a mobile device’s camera to scan documents. Receipts, articles, whiteboard drawings and other text found in the real world can be captured with the app and then saved to Dropbox as a digital copy.

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Google releases virtual reality LGBTQ 360 YouTube experience called #prideforeveryone

Regardless of your feeling towards the LGBTQ community, it is undeniable that all people deserve to be treated with respect. Carrying hate in your heart can have devastating consequences, potentially leading to people getting hurt, or worse. Sadly, prejudice can be passed from parents to children, as young ones are like sponges to their parents' actions. In other words, it is up to us to break the cycle of hatred and bigotry.

Today, Google announces that it is contributing to combating hate, with #prideforeveryone. This initiative is a virtual reality LGBTQ pride video experience, highlighting love, understanding, and inclusion.

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Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14372 for PC and Mobile arrives on the Fast ring

Windows 10 Insider Preview builds are coming thick and fast now in preparation for the Anniversary Update on 29 July.

We had a new build on Tuesday (Build 14371), and today Windows Insider chief Dona Sarkar has pushed the button on another new release -- Build 14372 for PC and Mobile. That’s just one build newer, but includes fixes designed to improve overall performance and reliability. But that’s not all.

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DevOps can help bridge the gap between software companies


High-performing organizations are widening the gap against low-performing ones, a new report on DevOps suggests. Entitled 2016 State of DevOps Report, it was released by Puppet and DORA (DevOps Research and Assessment), and is considered one of the largest, most comprehensive and longest-running studies on the topic of DevOps.

High-performers deploy 200 times more frequently and have 2,555 times faster lead times. They recover 24 times faster from failed changes and have three times lower change fail rates. The report also said high-performers spend 22 percent less time on unplanned work and rework, and are able to spend 29 percent more time on new work.

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