Search Results for: gdpr

Half of companies suffer financially motivated cyber attacks

Ransomware sign

Cyber attacks driven by ransom demands are on the increase as criminals seek to cash in on the soaring values of crypto currencies according to a new report.

The 2017-2018 Global Application and Network Security Report from cyber security company Radware finds that reported ransom attacks surged in the past year, increasing 40 percent from the 2016 survey. Half of companies surveyed suffered a financially motivated attack in the past year.

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New study shows wide gaps in attitudes to cloud security

cloud key

While a majority of businesses around the world have adopted cloud services, a study released today reveals a wide gap in the level of security precautions applied by companies in different markets.

The study from digital security company Gemalto finds that German businesses are more cautious when it comes to sharing sensitive information in the cloud (61 percent) than British (35 percent), Brazilian (34 percent) and Japanese (31 percent) organizations.

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Cloud workloads at risk from compliance, security and management failings

Cloud risk

Security, management and compliance challenges are hitting the benefits businesses are getting from using the cloud as their infrastructures become more complex, according to new research.

The study from security and compliance specialist WinMagic reveals that 39 percent of respondents report their infrastructure is more complex since using the cloud, and 53 percent spend more time on management tasks than they have done previously.

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Greater transparency and digital transformation, what 2018 holds for artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence

One of the most interesting trends we've seen in 2017 is the spread of artificial intelligence into areas like marketing and security.

Is this set to continue into next year, and are there new fields where AI is set to make a significant impact? Here are the views of some industry experts.

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An AI arms race and attacks on cryptocurrency among cyber security predictions for 2018

Crystal ball with key

It's the time of year when industry experts like to dust off their crystal balls, examine the pattern of tea leaves in the bottom of their cups and try to predict what the coming year is going to hold.

As far as security is concerned most commentators think we can expect the increase in numbers and sophistication of attacks we've seen in 2017 to continue, but there are some new things to worry about too.

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Email security: A year in review

2017 was an eventful year in the world of email and cybersecurity. Large companies made headlines in 2017, falling victim to cyber attacks and data breaches that compromised millions of customer records. Email harassment and invasion of privacy tactics also rose to prominence in 2017.

Through it all, email has showcased its staying power and the ability to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of personal and business communications.

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The value of personal data to companies and cyber criminals

bag of money

Businesses rely more and more on data, but a new study shows up significant differences in the value that is placed on confidential data around the world and in different industries.

The research from cyber security firm Trustwave involved more than 500 IT decision makers in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and Japan, examining attitudes towards the value of confidential data.

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Email is still the preferred channel for marketers

Email magic

Despite digital disruption and the emergence of newer technologies, email is still the preferred channel for marketers according to a new report.

Email marketing brand Campaigner has released the results of its Digital Marketing Industry Report which shows that past year, 59 percent of marketers reported their top challenge as increasing open rates, up eight percentage points from last year.

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Three quarters of retail organizations lack a breach response plan

data breach

As online retailers gear up for their busiest period of the year, how prepared are they to face the threat of cyber attacks?

A new study from cyber security company Tripwire reveals that just 28 percent of respondents say they have a fully tested plan in place in the event of a security breach.

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Cryptocurrency apps have severe security vulnerabilities, but do investors care?


A market cap of over $350 billion, daily volumes in excess of $10 billion, fast rising prices, a growing number of investors and little to no regulation all combine to make the cryptocurrency space a prime target for hackers. What's more, security is not exactly a main priority for many investors and exchanges, as numerous thefts go to show.

Making things even more complicated is the fact that lots of cryptocurrency apps, that let investors and trader store coins, have dangerous vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit to steal users' funds.

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How the healthcare sector is waking up to phishing threats [Q&A]

The healthcare sector is a popular target for phishing attacks, yet it's failing to adopt simple measures like DMARC that could offer protection to both patients and staff.

A new report from cyber security company Agari reveals that fewer than 10 percent NHS Trusts and Boards in the UK have self-certified as using DMARC. Globally 77 percent of healthcare organizations don't have a DMARC policy.

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Over 90 percent of cryptocurrency mobile apps contain vulnerabilities

In the week when cryptocurrency values have reached new levels some worrying research from web security firm High-Tech Bridge reveals that more than 90 percent of the most popular cryptocurrency mobile apps on Google Play have common vulnerabilities and weaknesses.

The company used its free Mobile X-Ray service to test apps for security flaws and design weaknesses that can endanger the user, data stored on the device or sent and received via the network, or the mobile device itself.

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Most people would stop dealing with companies following a data breach

data breach

If a company suffered a data breach, 70 percent of consumers would stop doing business with it, according to a new survey of 10,000 people worldwide.

The study carried out for digital security company Gemalto also reveals that 37 percent now believe that they could be a victim of a breach at any time, compared to those surveyed in 2016 (35 percent) and 2015 (27 percent).

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The role of education in fighting security breaches [Q&A]

Education internet

When securing systems most people's thoughts turn to the technology of firewalls, anti-virus programs and so on. What’s often neglected is the human aspect.

Many breaches are down to poor password practices or falling for phishing emails, things which can be prevented with better education. We spoke to Stephen Burke, founder and CEO of security awareness specialist Cyber Risk Aware to get his views on how awareness training can be used to drive better behavior and make businesses more secure.

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70 percent of European IT decision makers see Brexit as a business opportunity

Brexit flags

Britain's decision to leave the European Union has sparked mixed emotions in the business world, but a new survey of over 800 IT decision-makers across Europe reveals that most see Brexit as an opportunity.

In the survey of over 800 European IT decision-makers by cloud and network provider Interoute, 70 percent overall believe that Britain leaving the EU is an opportunity for their company. Business confidence surrounding Britain leaving the EU was highest in France (83 percent) and Belgium (78 percent) but lowest in Sweden (49 percent).

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