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iOS 9.3 is more stable than Android 6.0 Marshmallow

Every major iOS release seems to come with some annoying bugs these days. In the case of iOS 9.3, users have reported crippling activation errors and crashes and hangs in some of the built-in apps, leading Apple to release updated builds. However, despite these problems, iOS 9.3 seems to be very reliable.

According to a new report by Apteligent, iOS 9.3 is actually the most stable iOS release since iOS 8. Its crash rate stands at 2.2 percent, besting iOS 9.2, iOS 9.1, iOS 9 and iOS 8 over an eight-day period. Not only that, but iOS 9.3 is also claimed to be more stable than Android 6.0 Marshmallow.

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Facebook gives users selective memories with date and people filtering

Facebook's Memories feature can be a nice way to start the day. Fire up your phone first thing in the morning, and you can wax nostalgic as you look at your status updates and photo uploads from years gone by. But the On This Day look-back is not always warm and fluffy; Facebook isn't just about the fun aspects of your life.

In response to feedback from users who were unhappy to be cheerily reminded of the death of a loved one or some other tragic event which they might prefer to put to the back of their minds, Facebook has introduced On This Day preferences making it possible to filter out content involving certain people, or from a particular date range.

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The 3-2-1 rule and other backup tips

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It may not have escaped your notice that today is World Backup Day, which aims to raise awareness of the importance of looking after your data.

To mark the event Dark Bear Web Solutions has produced an infographic offering facts and tips about backups.

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Foxconn buys Sharp for $3.5 billion


Last month Sharp announced that Foxconn would be acquiring the company for $6.2 billion. However Foxconn was concerned with the financial future of Sharp and decided to put the deal on hold in order to renegotiate some of the terms.

Now the deal is finally complete and Foxconn has acquired a 66 percent majority stake in Sharp for around $3.5 billion. This is the largest overseas investment in a Japanese company to date and its proposal caused quite a stir in Japan.

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Would you like a digital passport on your smartphone?

I’m sure most of you will be familiar with the frantic scrabble to find the correct documents at the airport, resulting in a mild heart attack when your passport isn’t where you thought it was. FYI, it’s probably in your back pocket.

Well, this could soon be a thing of the past thanks to a company called De La Rue, which is working on creating digital passports on your smartphone that can be used at airport immigration, making travel an entirely paperless experience.

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Businesses want their infrastructure in the cloud, but it will take time

IT management software firm SolarWinds recently polled 166 IT practitioners, gaining valuable insights into business cloud adoption, security concerns and new and valuable skill sets. The results are quite interesting -- 92 percent said cloud adoption is important to their business, while 27 percent said it was "extremely important".

However, despite cloud technology growing rapidly, businesses are not eager to place their entire infrastructure in it -- 43 percent believe half or more of their infrastructure will be in the cloud within the next three to five years. Sixty percent believe their organization will never fully migrate.

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Mozilla brings better security to Firefox for iOS

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Security has been in the news since Edward Snowden; before actually, just not as prominently. Now, in recent weeks, the headlines have focused on Apple over its iPhone dispute with the FBI, a saga that seems to have come to an end recently.

That is not, however, the only security that needs to be part of our daily lives. Web browsers represent yet another problem and most are working to add layers of protection for customers.

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FBI issues warning over MSIL/Samas ransomware

The FBI has began seeking the assistance of companies in the US to streamline its investigation on an increasing ransomware threat in the country.

The FBI is looking into a strain of ransomware called MSIL/Samas, which has been encrypting data across entire networks rather than single computers, Reuters reports. The ransomware infects machines before encrypting data and asking for money in return of the access.

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Seagate Innov8 is world's first USB-powered desktop hard drive -- 8TB, USB 3.1, and Type-C

Many times in life, we must make decisions. Often, there can be two paths -- both with pros and cons. Ultimately, we must make a choice, potentially making a sacrifice.

A good example of this is USB hard drives. "Laptop" variants, at 2.5 inch, can be powered by USB bus, while "desktop" models, at 3.5 inch, need a dedicated power cable. When it comes to capacity, however, the desktop variants offer more. Ultimately, you must choose which is more important -- more storage or less wires. Today, this changes, as Seagate unveils the Innov8 -- the world's first USB-powered desktop hard drive.

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Microsoft: If you wanted to reach a lot of phone customers, Windows Phone isn't the way to do it

The smartphone market is essentially a three horse race these days. Android and iOS lead the way, while Windows Phone (or Windows 10 Mobile) limps along at the rear, looking for all the world as though it needs to be put out of its misery at the knacker's yard.

Today at Build, Terry Myerson admitted that Microsoft's mobile platform has failed to set the world on fire, going on to say that the company's focus is very much on Windows 10 for non-mobile platforms. This means Windows 10 for the desktop, Windows 10 for Xbox One, and Windows 10 for HoloLens and the Internet of Things. He acknowledges that mobile is "the wrong place for us to lead".

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Microsoft launches Skype Bots preview and Skype Bot Platform for developers

Seemingly having learned nothing from its AI Twitter chatbot, Tay, Microsoft is experimenting further with bots. At Build 2016 today, the company announced Skype Bots and the Skype Bots Platform.

Designed to "bring expertise, products, services and entertainment" to Skype conversations, Skype Bots can be programmed to respond to chats -- and Microsoft will no doubt be hoping it is not left making another red-faced apology if things go awry. It's all part of Microsoft's vision of "conversation as a platform" and bots are available for the Windows Desktop, Android, iPhone and iPad versions of Skype.

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Apple knocks it out of the park by signing iPad Pro deal with MLB

When Microsoft signed a deal with the NFL, I was pretty surprised. While it isn't surprising that the football league took Microsoft's money to promote the Surface Pro, I was surprised that Apple let it happen. After all, the NFL is big business -- I would have expected Tim Cook to step in with his company's ubiquitous iPad instead.

Today, Apple essentially smashes the Surface Pro with a baseball bat, arguably outdoing Microsoft's deal with the NFL. You see, Major League Baseball will now be using iPad Pro tablets in the dugout. While it is debatable as to which sport will have a bigger impact on sales, one thing is undeniable -- there are many more MLB games played than there are NFL, though the NFL remains more popular attendance-wise.

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Microsoft's Desktop App Converter helps devs bring Win32 and .NET apps to the Windows Store

Apple has been hugely successful in building up an app ecosystem over the years, Microsoft rather less so. Today at Build, the Windows 10 manufacturer announced a tool that it hopes will bolster the number of apps that appear in the Windows Store: Desktop App Converter, part of the Project Centennial program.

The tool has been designed to make it possible for developers to convert legacy desktop apps into Windows Store-compatible AppX apps. The quick-and-easy conversion to Universal Windows Platform apps will enable developers to bring their creations to not just Windows 10 on the desktop, but also Xbox One and the Windows Mobile platform.

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Big Windows 10 Anniversary Update coming this summer

At Build 2016, Microsoft revealed that Windows 10 has now been installed on more than a quarter of a billion devices. But Build is about looking forward, not to the past or present. Windows 10 may have been lapped up by hundreds of millions of users, but there is already demand for the next big update -- and it's just on the horizon in the form of Windows 10 Anniversary Update.

Due for release late summer -- although no date has been given at this stage -- Windows 10 Anniversary Update is described as an "interim release", but one that will feature "significant new features". Timed to coincide with Windows 10's first anniversary, the update will enable developers to make use of hundreds of new features in an updated API set.

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Acer Predator Z850 gaming projector now available -- play games on a 120-inch screen!

Many PC enthusiasts spend a lot of time researching two things -- games and hardware. While playing the actual games is the ultimate goal, sometimes it can be even more fun building computers and reading about all the cool new hardware. Even after your machine is built, you still can spend time finding the right mouse, keyboard, and monitor to name a few.

What if you didn't connect your tower to a monitor though? Am I talking about headless gaming? No, that would be silly. Obviously you need to see what you are doing! What I mean to say is, what about a gaming projector? Today, Acer's Predator Z850 projector -- which was announced at CES 2016 -- becomes available for purchase. It allows you to project a monstrous 120-inch screen!

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