Samsung unveils Galaxy S24 Android smartphones with innovative Galaxy AI -- pre-order yours today!

Samsung today announced its latest flagship smartphones, the Galaxy S24 Ultra, Galaxy S24+, and Galaxy S24. These devices are notable for utilizing the company's innovative Galaxy AI technology. This development signals the beginning of a new era in mobile experiences, where AI is expected to revolutionize user interactions with their devices.

The Galaxy S24 series introduces advanced features for enhancing communication. The series offers barrier-free communication with intelligent text and call translations. The 'Live Translate' feature provides two-way, real-time voice and text translations within the native app, eliminating the need for third-party applications. This feature ensures privacy as it is powered by on-device AI. Additionally, the 'Interpreter' feature facilitates instant translation of live conversations on a split-screen view, functioning even without cellular data or Wi-Fi.

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Emerging technology is creating new fraud risks, but consumer distrust in AI protection grows

ComplyAdvantage has released its annual report, "The State of Financial Crime 2024," focusing on the rising trend of artificial intelligence being exploited for fraudulent activities. The report also reveals that, despite consumer apprehension about AI, many financial institutions are investing in technology to tackle this emerging threat.

According to the report, 66 percent of financial industry respondents view the criminal use of AI as a growing cybersecurity threat, with risks ranging from deepfakes to advanced cyber hacks and AI-generated malware. In response, 86 percent of respondents reported that their companies are investing in new technologies. However, only 53 percent prioritized explaining their AI usage to customers.

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Over 90 percent of organizations set to increase data protection spending

data protection jigsaw

The latest Data Protection Trends report from Veeam Software shows 92 percent of organizations will increase their 2024 data protection spend, to achieve cyber resilience amid continued threats of ransomware and cyber-attacks.

However, while companies say they will spend more trying to fend off cyberattacks, the report finds IT leaders are feeling even less protected and more concerned about their ability to recover and restore mission-critical data.

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Keeping AI data and workloads secure and accessible

AI is already revolutionizing whole industries and professions. New applications and projects appear regularly across every sector, limited only it seems by the boundary of our own inspiration. That means that AI workloads will be critical to organizations across the board; the question is: how can we ensure AI applications are stable, secure and accessible?

Many companies depend on the trusted backup to ensure fail-safety and security against data loss and outages. From a data protection perspective this makes sense, however, backups aren’t best suited to business continuity and disaster recovery (DR), particularly for the most important data and workloads, such as AI.

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Universities not delivering the right skills for cybersecurity

Over three quarters of cybersecurity professionals in the UK and US don't believe university courses are preparing graduates adequately for the working world, according to new research.

The study of 3,000 IT and cybersecurity professionals in the UK and the US, from cybersecurity upskilling, certification, and talent assessment platform Hack The Box, shows 78 percent of cybersecurity and IT professionals believe a traditional university education in cybersecurity is not doing enough to prepare graduates for the modern workforce.

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Financial services businesses see spike in vendor email compromise

A new report from Abnormal Security shows that vendor email compromise (VEC) attacks against financial services organizations increased by 137 percent in 2023.

This is an industry that handles a wide array of sensitive personal and financial information of the type hackers love to get their hands on. This makes organizations within the financial services sector particularly susceptible to cyberattacks, including socially-engineered email attacks.

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The EU's AI Act: Good regulation, bad regulation or somewhere in between?

History is littered with knee-jerk legislation, enacted with good intentions and often in response to genuine public fear. If you have ever traveled to the USA, you may be familiar with the I-94W Nonimmigrant Visa Waiver form that must be completed before entry. Among a number of questions asked, one is ‘Have you ever been or are you now involved in espionage or sabotage; or in terrorist activities -- Yes or No’. I’m sure many have often wondered whether those actually involved in such activities would be inclined to tick the ‘Yes’ box. This example effectively illustrates the challenges that all regulators and legislators should ask themselves at the outset, namely:

Are we doing this to address the problem or is it just a knee-jerk reaction to placate journalists and voters? (Remember that line from BBC political comedy Yes Minister -- “He’s suffering from Politician’s Logic. Something must be done, this is something, therefore we must do it.”)

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What is a vCISO and why would you want to hire one? [Q&A]


As the profile of cybersecurity has increased within enterprises, so has the challenge of finding people to fill senior roles and then hanging on to them.

Recent research suggests that CISOs don't stay in the job for more than three years on average. One answer is to use a virtual CISO (vCISO) to advise on current issues and relieve the strain on the in-house team.

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Google admits that Incognito Mode in Chrome is not as private as you hoped

Peeking through hole in cardboard

Those in the know are aware that switching Chrome into Incognito Mode does not mean your browsing is a secret -- but many people assume that the browsing mode offers greater levels of privacy than it actually does.

Now Google has admitted as much. The company is updating its description of Incognito Mode in response to a lawsuit. The revised wording makes it clear that Google continues to collect data about user activity in Incognito Mode.

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Wine 9.0 released with major enhancements -- a milestone release for running Windows software on Linux and macOS

The Wine team has announced a significant milestone with the release of Wine 9.0, a major update enriching the Linux experience. This latest version encapsulates a year of dedicated development, featuring over 7,000 changes. Wine 9.0 is distinguished by its introduction of the new WoW64 architecture and the experimental Wayland driver, making it a landmark release for users seeking to run Windows applications on Unix-based systems.

The new WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) architecture in Wine 9.0 is a highlight of this release, marking the completion of a multi-year effort to convert modules to PE format. This significant development creates a clear boundary between Windows and Unix systems. In a notable shift from the older version, the new WoW64 mode enables the running of 32-bit Windows applications on purely 64-bit Unix installations. This is particularly beneficial for macOS users, where recent versions have dropped support for 32-bit processes.

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Microsoft wants you to know how easy it is to switch to Windows 11

It’s no secret that Windows 11 is struggling to gain meaningful market share, even with end of life looming for its significantly more popular predecessor, Windows 10.

The software giant has added a lot of features and functionality to its new OS, including introducing AI in the form of its virtual assistant, Copilot. Even so, that’s still proving not enough to encourage resistant users to make the move. So now the company is taking a different approach.

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Predictions for GenAI adoption in 2024

robot hands crystal ball

Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) entered the public consciousness and debate about one year ago. As a science, it goes back several years but as an applicable piece of software, it is very much in its infancy. 

Text, images, and audio can be generated by GenAI models,but their integration into existing software tools worldwide is still in its early stages. Similarly, the majority of business leaders are only talking about GenAI, with some experimenting through proofs of concepts, while a small minority have deployed initial, and usually specific, use cases.

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Five sustainability trends businesses will embrace in 2024

A sense of urgency to address climate change has led many businesses to commit to carbon neutrality or net-zero emissions by 2030, and many more by 2050, yet just 5 percent of the UK’s biggest companies have said how they plan to get there.

This disconnect between ambition and action is something my firm is out to solve through IT infrastructure. These are five of the biggest sustainability trends I believe businesses must pay attention to in 2024.

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Get 'GitHub For Dummies, 2nd Edition' (worth $18) for FREE

For today’s coders, GitHub is a must. The world’s largest software development platform, GitHub helps developers store, track, and collaborate on software projects.

In this easy-to-follow Dummies guide, you’ll find insight into creating repositories, establishing projects, collaborating, incorporating open-source resources, and establishing yourself as a valued member of the GitHub community.

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Will Artificial Intelligence power online trading solutions in the future?


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a buzzword in various industries and the world of online trading is no exception. With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data and make predictions, AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we trade online. Or maybe that's not the case at all. The point in fact is that AI has been integrated into various systems across numerous different industries already. 

However, using AI in the financial market, especially, in trading stocks, bonds, cryptocurrencies and other assets is up to debate. After all, is using AI's machine learning and predictive analysis considered cheating? How is it any different when investors rely on informer insights and leaked documents? The software is just better at processing data than human is. 

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