Orange screenshot bug blights Windows 10 KB4512941 update

Windows 10 boxes

The KB4512941 update for Windows 10 has already proved itself to be problematic, causing issues with high CPU usage. Now another bug has emerged in the update, with users complaining of corrupted screenshots.

The strange problem rears it head no matter how a screenshot is taken, with the resulting images exhibiting an orange tint. Other users complain that their screens are turning red.

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Microsoft wants to close down Wunderlist -- so the creator offers to buy it back


It is now more than four years since Microsoft bought popular to-do list app Wunderlist, and the company now wants to shut it down. This is perhaps not entirely surprising as it has its own To-Do app, but the creator of Wunderlist is not happy.

The founder of the app, Christian Reber, used Twitter to appeal to Microsoft to sell Wunderlist back to him to save it from being shuttered.

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Arch Linux-based Manjaro forms a company, but will it fail?

Some people may think a company focused on Linux can never be successful. That’s false thinking, actually. True, some people use Linux as just a hobby, but it is so much more than that. As Red Hat shows us, Linux can be a billion dollar business. Plus, System76, for example, has been selling personal computers running Linux for many years. So, yeah, a Linux-focused company can be a success.

Of course, that does not mean a Linux-focused company is guaranteed to be a success. Case in point, today, popular Linux distribution Manjaro announces that it has formed a limited partnership business entity. The question, however, is whether or not creating such a company is a good idea.

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Debian-based MX Linux 19 Beta 2.1 now available for download

MX Linux is apparently becoming increasingly more popular these days, and I am not really sure why. Lately, I have been testing out the open source operating system, and I simply don't understand the hype.

Xfce, which MX uses, remains one of the worst desktop environment for end users -- it is lightweight, but that aside, it offers nothing over the superior GNOME or KDE. If you own a HiDPI monitor (which more and more people have), Xfce remains a terrible experience.

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Apple criticized for insensitively downplaying Google's iOS vulnerability revelations

Black iPhone

Apple has tried to downplay concerns raised by Google about security vulnerabilities in iOS that could be exploited by malicious websites. Google's Project Zero recently revealed details of flaws in iOS that were being used to target and monitor iPhone users.

Other security researchers went on to warn that the vulnerabilities were being used to target Uyghur Muslims, possibly in a campaign run by the Chinese government. Having remained silent for more than a week after the revelations, Apple finally issued a statement responding to the findings, prompting criticism that the company was trying to downplay the issues.

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Wikipedia taken offline by massive DDoS attack

Wikipedia page

A DDoS attack rocked Wikipedia on Friday, taking the site offline in a number of countries.

The online encyclopedia was forced offline for several hours across Europe and the Middle East, and the site battled the attack to restore service. The Wikimedia Foundation -- the organization behind the site -- condemned the attack saying it wanted to protect the "fundamental right" for people to be able to "freely access and share information".

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Watch Apple's iPhone 11 launch on YouTube

Rainbow Apple logo

Apple is due to launch the iPhone 11 on Tuesday -- along with, it is rumoured, "one more thing" -- and the company has gradually started to expand the availability of the live stream of the event.

Originally only available to view on iOS and macOS, Apple opened up live streams of its launches to Edge, Chrome and Firefox users over the years. This time around, you can tune in live on YouTube -- regardless of what device you're using -- and find out everything there is to know about the new devices.

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NETGEAR Orbi Wi-Fi 6 Mesh System AX6000 (RBK852) is both impressive and expensive

The two biggest technologies for wireless home networking right now are mesh and Wi-Fi 6 (also known as 802.11ax). Mesh has been around for a while now, but Wi-Fi 6 is still relatively new -- there simply aren't many 802.11ax clients out there. Over the next year or so, however, you will start to see the new wireless standard show up in more and more consumer devices, such as laptops, tablets, smartphones, and more. Yes, Wi-Fi 6 is the future.

Sadly, Wi-Fi 6 routers are still quite costly, making them unachievable for many consumers. Today, NETGEAR unveils a new 802.11ax product that doesn't buck that trend at all. In fact, the new Orbi Wi-Fi 6 Mesh System (model: RBK852) amplifies pricing even more. How much will it cost to have both Wi-Fi 6 and mesh from NETGEAR? This attractive two-access-point system will run you $700!

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Microsoft releases Windows 10 20H1 Build 18975 with Cortana and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) improvements

Work continues apace on the next major Windows 10 update due out next spring. Recent preview releases have all introduced big improvements, and today's new flight, Build 18975, is no different.

This release for Fast ring Insiders introduces the ability to move the Cortana window to anywhere on screen, and also makes improvements to Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

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Keep your Raspberry Pi 4 cool with this brand new case with built-in fan

The Raspberry Pi Foundation announced a new version of its uncased credit card sized computer two months ago, claiming it to be powerful enough to be used as a complete desktop system.

While the Raspberry Pi 4 is easily the most capable iteration to date, the truth is you can’t really use it in place of a PC. I have the 4GB model, and it struggles massively whenever I try to do anything even slightly taxing. It also gets very hot.

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Metro by T-Mobile: Caveat Emptor!

Those who follow my musings here on BetaNews know that I travel a lot internationally. Whether it’s bouncing around Asia, cooling my heels in Europe, or soaking up rays on my adopted home of Mauritius, I rarely go more than a month or so without a major trip somewhere. And now that my children are both attending university in the U.S., I’m shuttling back and forth to the States more than ever. Which makes the news that the city of New York is suing T-Mobile over shady business practices at its pre-paid wireless "Metro by T-Mobile" stores all the more jarring.

You see, I’m a longtime Metro customer. When I left the U.S. for good in 2006, I said goodbye to my traditional, post-paid cellular plan and waded into the murky waters of pre-paid phone providers. At first, I used a mixture of el-cheapo "feature phones" whenever I was back in the States. Tracfone, et al, no doubt appreciated my patronage during those pre-smartphone years when all I cared about was being able to make a voice call when I needed to.

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Apple Music finally comes to Linux

Apple Music is the best streaming music service. Yes, it is better than Spotify. Apple's offering has a superior interface and better new music discovery. Hell, I recently discovered the best album of the year on Apple Music -- Blowing on a Marshmallow in Perpetuity by 0 Stars. Seriously, check it out, y'all.

Unfortunately, Apple Music doesn't work on traditional Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Fedora. It does, however, work on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. Chromebook users can take advantage of the Apple Music Android app from the Play Store. Traditional Linux users, however, are sadly left out of the party.

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How tablets have been embraced by business

tablet worker

Until the first iPad launched in 2010 nobody knew they wanted a tablet. In the last few years though tablets have become one of the most popular pieces of kit.

Not only are tablets popular at home, allowing you to slouch on the sofa and update Facebook while you watch TV, they're increasingly being used in the business world too. Mobile device management company Scalefusion has produces an infographic looking at how and why business users have embraced the tablet.

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Samsung angers customers by canceling US Galaxy Fold pre-orders

Samsung Galaxy Fold

Just when it seems that the Galaxy Fold launch could not be any more chaotic or infuriating, Samsung just managed to annoy would-be buyers even further.

For reasons that have not really been explained, the company has chosen -- at the very last minute -- to cancel pre-orders placed in the US. To soften the blow, Samsung is offering $250 of credit to those affected by the cancelations, but the news may well lead customers to question whether the Fold is really worth all the hassle.

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Microsoft is working to address high CPU usage and search problems with KB4512941 update

Windows 10 boxes

A week after its release, Microsoft says it is working to fix a problem with the KB4512941 update for Windows 10. Users have complained of a spike in CPU usage by SearchUI.exe and said that search results are blank.

The company had been slow to recognize that there was a problem, but it did eventually acknowledge the issue on Twitter. Now Microsoft has provided more details about its work on a fix which is due for release later this month.

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