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How long does it take to become a CTO?

Chief Technology Officer. Sounds good doesn't it? But it must take years slogging away at the IT coal face to reach such an exalted position, right?

Wrong actually. New research from European software development company STX Next shows that 20 percent of CTOs reached their position in fewer than five years.

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40 percent of incoming emails are potential threats

Malicious email

New research from Hornetsecurity finds that 40 percent of all inbound emails pose a potential threat, including spam, phishing and advanced threats such as CEO fraud and any type of malware.

Phishing, malicious links, and ransomware are among the most popular attack tactics used by hackers with brand impersonation being especially popular.

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Researchers use Hive ransomware's own encryption algorithm to find master decryption key

Cash for ransomware

Security researchers have managed to use the encryption algorithm used by the Hive ransomware to determine the master key needed to decrypt files for free.

Ordinarily, victims of a Hive ransomware attack would have to pay up to receive their individual decryption key. But a team of researchers from the Department of Financial Information Security, at Korea's Kookmin University, have been able to calculate the master key. This has then been used in what is believed to be the "first successful attempt at decrypting Hive ransomware"

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Utilizing objective data to provide equitable student support

We’ve all heard the term leveling up, but what does it really mean for higher education? To me, it simply means getting everyone up to the same level, right? 

But when it comes to government policy, the idea that through effort and application we can rise to the top is the very antithesis of fair equity -- a lofty ambition of jobs, boosting productivity in places of previous decline and limit any degeneration. 

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How to address the security risks of cloud migration [Q&A]

cloud migration

Cloud is an enabler of productivity and provides the infrastructure which supports modern distributed workforces. But it also poses a serious security risk to businesses that are unprepared to cope with modern threats. Figures from 451 Research show that 40 percent of organizations have experienced a cloud-based data breach in the past 12 months.

Organizations are spending millions on firewalls, endpoint protection and other security measures. What these organizations are missing, however, is visibility and control of security policies that govern 'what can talk to what' and 'who can talk to who' across the entire organizational infrastructure, including on-premise, cloud-native, and hybrid cloud. This creates security blind spots and misconfigurations.

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The most expensive data breaches of the 2020s

Data breach

Data breaches not only lead to a loss of reputation and drive customers elsewhere, they also have a significant financial cost.

A new study from Surfshark applies IBM's 'Cost of a Data Breach' calculations to the largest data breaches of the last two years in order to find the estimated cost of some of the biggest data breaches.

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You may have just installed Windows 11, but Microsoft could be readying Windows 12


SwiftOnSecurity has stirred up a huge level of interest and excitement after suggesting that Microsoft is already busily working on Windows 12.

The rollout of Windows 11 may have gone well, but the cyber security expert and Microsoft MVP tweeted saying that the successor is already in the pipeline. A tweet reading "according to a source at Microsoft, Windows 12 is already under development and it's going to require two TPMs" appeared over the weekend. What is going on?

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You can finally make 911 calls from Skype

Skype on laptop

For as long as most users can remembers, Skype has come with a warning that it cannot be used to place 911 calls. Microsoft has just announced that this is now changing for users of the Windows 10, Windows 11, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS versions of the app.

The application is now labelled as offering "Limited emergency calling". What this means, for now, is that Skype users in the US are able to place 911 calls using the app, bringing it in line with a handful of other countries. More than this, Skype can help emergency operators to locate you if necessary -- but there are some limitations to the new functionality.

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How to deal with the carbon footprint from data centers

Environmental concerns are top of every business' agenda these days. We all know about reducing our carbon footprint. You may think your business is moving towards a greener future by reducing paper use and switching to email. However, we must remember that technology isn't carbon-free, and it isn't only your own electricity usage that counts. We need to consider data centers too.

When we use the internet or email, we don't usually think about the framework that supports it. Data centers are usually built away from highly populated areas, so most people never see one. However, data centers consume huge amounts of electricity. So how can we address the carbon footprint of these centers through a sustainable business strategy? Read on to find out.

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Three technological solutions that have reshaped modern workplaces

Technology has revolutionized the way we work. From large-scale changes to applications that improve our productivity, we can do more than ever -- and faster too.  

As well as improving customer experience and employee efficiency, we’re also seeing solutions that improve employee experience come into play. After all, employees who are supported in their role and have a good experience at work will be more loyal. Here, we delve into the latest digital solutions that are improving the employee experience.

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Project Zero finds that Linux developers fix security flaws faster than Apple, Google or Microsoft

Linux matrix

Whether Linux distributions are more secure than Windows or macOS is the source of on-going debate, but Google's Project Zero has some interesting findings relating to the patching of security holes.

The security research program at Google has published information relating to security flaws found in software over the course of two years. Between January 2019 and December 2021 the Project Zero team found that Linux developers addresses problems far faster than Apple, Microsoft or Google itself.

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Microsoft releases important KB5010415 update for Windows 10 because Windows 11 is not ubiquitous

Windows 10 laptop

Microsoft has been pouring a lot of love into Windows 11 of late, and understandably so -- but this does not mean that people who have decided to stick with Windows 10 have been forgotten. And to prove this, the company has just released the significant KB5010415 update, introducing new features and options, as well as fixing various issues.

For now, KB5010415 is only a preview, meaning that it is an update that gives an early taste of the full launch next Patch Tuesday. The update is available to anyone who wants to install it, and it includes a number of compelling reasons to do so.

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As secondhand mobile phone sales surge, here's how buyers can protect themselves from scams

The second-hand device market has been on a tear over the past few years as a growing number of consumers opt for pre-owned mobile phones over brand new. Posting nearly 10 percent  growth in 2020, the market is expected to grow an average of nearly 12 percent  more over the next 2 years, reaching $65 billion by 2024.

Amid this steady uptick, it’s no surprise that purveyors of used devices are also growing fast to meet demand. Most notably, one of the largest used device marketplaces, French-based Back Market, just landed a $510 million Series E investment, launching the company to a $5.7 billion valuation. And Back Market is far from the only game in town. Amazon and eBay are also big players in the $17 billion used device market, in addition to mobile carriers and the device makes themselves, like Apple and Samsung.

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Four dangers of self-diagnosing through the web

With an almost limitless amount of information available to us 24/7, it has become a common practice to turn to Google for answers to ailments. However, while in theory learning more about potential symptoms may help ease a person’s mind, the risk of self-diagnosing looms large. A Statista survey found that 68 percent  of British adults diagnose themselves through the web at least every few months -- if not more regularly.

The issue with self-diagnosis is that it may deter people from visiting a doctor. Without medical expertise, self-diagnosis can often become misdiagnosis. Here we take a look at the key issues with self-diagnosing using the web.

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Protect, speed up and optimize Windows with IObit Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 15

Everyone wants to keep their computer safe and secure their data against the threat posed by viruses and malware. This is something that Microsoft aims to help with by offering Defender as part of Windows, but there are far better options out there. IObit Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 15 is one such comprehensive alternative, and it goes far beyond just being a security tool.

IObit Advanced SystemCare has long been recognized as a leading protection and optimization suite, and with the release of IObit Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 15 things are even more impressive than before. For starters, there is an expanded threat database that means there is protection against a far wider range of viruses and malware than ever before; but it does not end there.

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