Articles about Cloud

IBM buys Aspera to speed up movement of big data

One of the problems with big data is its sheer size. This leads to problems when it comes to moving files around and can lead to a loss of competitiveness if companies aren't able to process files in a timely manner. The issue can be magnified if it involves transferring files to and from cloud platforms.

IBM has recognized this problem and in response has swallowed up California-based Aspera, a specialist in high speed transfer techniques. The company's patented "fasp" technology can reduce the transmission times for large files or data sets by up to 99.9 percent. It overcomes bottlenecks in broadband wide area networks that slow the transfer of extremely large files, such as high-definition video or scientific research data, over long distances.

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Oracle buys Responsys to create the world’s biggest marketing cloud

Business systems specialist Oracle has announced that it’s reached an agreement to acquire Responsys for $1.5 million. Responsys is one of the leading providers of enterprise-scale, cloud-based business to consumer marketing software.

Buying Responsys extends Oracle's Customer Experience Cloud to create a product that meets the needs of companies with both B2B and B2C marketing requirements. It enables chief marketing officers (CMOs) to run marketing campaigns across email, mobile platforms, social media and the web, it also allows them to operate at a massive scale and across the full consumer lifecycle.

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What have been the biggest disappointments of 2013?

It's that time of year once again. Approaching the end of another 365 and a quarter days cycle puts us all in a reflective mood. It's not uncommon to look back at what has happened in the previous 12 months and pick out the highlights of the year. It's also quite common to look forward in anticipation of what the coming year might have to offer. But how about something a little different, something a little more downbeat? What have been your lowlights and disappointments? There's no need to end the year on a high, after all!

I am one of those people still devastated at the loss of Google Reader. Both as a journalist and as someone who simply devours news from all manner of sources, this was my go-to service for getting my daily -- well, hourly… oh, OK, five minutely -- fix of headlines from hundreds of websites. Double disappointment came when I thought an ideal solution was to be found in Feedly, but slow updates and a pricing structure I found objectionable meant that this soon fell by the wayside. Disappointment number two. Still, it helped me to discover InoReader -- every cloud, and all that.

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Style Jukebox takes your music collection to the cloud [Q&A]

Nowadays, cloud services like Pandora and Spotify allow us to listen to our favorite tunes no matter where we are, without having to actually own a single song. But what happens to our music collections, which we have built up over the years? Some of us have thousands of tracks, stored locally on devices like PCs. Should we just abandon our beloved content and embrace alternative ways of enjoying it?

Luckily, answering this question does not involve making a compromise. Cloud service Style Jukebox aims for the middle road, by providing a convenient solution that allows users to upload the music they own to the cloud and play it on PCs, smartphones and tablets. It is designed to work both with and without an Internet connection (the content can also be downloaded for offline playback), which makes it a good fit for those who use devices which are not always connected to the cloud. As Style Jukebox's motto says, "Your music, anywhere, on all your devices".

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Amazon Web Services rolls out Kinesis to all users

Since it launched in 2006 Amazon Web Services has become a major player in the cloud computing sector. It's now aiming to move further into the big data arena with the rollout of Amazon Kinesis. Kinesis (from the Greek word meaning movement) is a managed service to handle the real-time processing of high-volume streaming data.

By using Amazon Kinesis customers will be able to store and process terabytes of data from hundreds of thousands of sources each hour. This will enable them to write applications that take action on real-time data -- things like website click-streams, marketing and financial transactions, social media feeds, logs and metering data, and location-tracking events.

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Fluffyapp makes file sharing in CloudApp easier than ever

After an extended three years in beta, developer Richard Wang has released FluffyApp 2.0, a major new release of his freeware client for Windows users wishing to share files using the CloudApp file-sharing service.

Version 2.0 introduces a new flyout, Internet Explorer trigger plugin and adds various tweaks and improvements, such as using Windows’ own shortcut key mechanism for greater reliability.

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Oracle helps enterprises exploit the power of data

Data is the lifeblood of modern business, but to exploit it effectively requires user-friendly tools to help with development and management. Oracle, one of the biggest players in the database field, has launched a new version of its developer tool to address this.

Oracle SQL Developer 4.0 is aimed at streamlining database adoption to the Oracle Database 12c and helping increase productivity for a broad list of database development tasks so organizations can fully capitalize on the power of their enterprise data.

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Don't fall prey to Gmail's image problem

As the flu subsides some, I feel ever so cranky and, hehe, suspicious. So I look askance at the newest Gmail changes and ask my favorite question: "Who benefits?" By product manager John Rae-Grant's reckoning, you do. But Google gains more from plans to display remote images.

Yeah, images make your email look prettier, when Uncle Duck sends a collage of his vintage Winchester and new truck. But they also snazz up spam -- the stuff you don't want -- and advertising collateral you desire about as much but which is gold to Google and its partners. Stated differently, and I will explain why later: Gmail image changes make Google spam's middleman. Say, can some grifter give a con game's name in comments to this thing?

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Yahoo Mail experiencing issues since Monday!

On Monday, a number of Yahoo Mail users started experiencing issues when accessing the service. The company said, yesterday, a hardware problem in one of its mail data centers is the culprit and, as a result, it assigned "dozens of people", who are allegedly "working around the clock", to get Yahoo Mail back on track.

If you are wondering why it took Yahoo so long to acknowledge the problem then you are not alone. The company initially said at 11 AM PST on Wednesday that the full functionality of its email service will be restored "by 3 PM PT", on the same day. Half an hour after the first, and only, deadline Yahoo was still working "hard" to fix the problem.

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Google Sheets gets more power and an offline mode

Everyone is familiar with Google Docs but the Sheets spreadsheet application always seems to have been a bit of a poor relation in terms of the search giant's cloud office portfolio. Now though there's a new release which brings more speed, more features and -- for the first time -- an offline mode.

The new version supports more cells so you can create bigger, more complex, worksheets. New features include Filter Views which let you save and share sections of the data, useful for collaborative projects.

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Top business and IT process automation trends for 2014

Enterprise technology as we know it is changing. Several years ago, significant improvements in IT were viewed by the business as "nice to have" but not essential. Today many companies use their IT enterprise to deliver differentiated customer service, business intelligence (BI) and a more efficient supply chain. Still, some organizations lag behind. In fact, many businesses continue to rely on a loose federation of siloed applications and disconnected manual tasks to support their most critical operations.

Smart businesses recognize the short-sightedness of this outdated approach. These companies view IT infrastructure as a source of important competitive advantage core to business development. They use their enterprise to maintain -- and enhance -- their market position. Today IT success is business success. They are inevitably connected.

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Bitrix24 rolls out more improved features

Bitrix24, the enterprise social network aimed at small and medium sized businesses, has released a new version of its cloud-based service.

Only three months on from the last release the latest version aims to improve telephony, CRM and collaboration features for its users.

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'Perfect Crime' vulnerability uncovered in Office 2013

California-based SaaS security specialist Adallom has revealed the existence of an Office 365 token flaw in Office 2013 that could allow malicious web servers to intercept authentication tokens and remotely access a SharePoint site without any alerts being raised.

Writing on the company's blog Noam Liran, Adallom's chief software architect describes the attack as an "ice dagger" because it's the perfect weapon, leaving no trace. He says, "The vulnerability we've found and the security incident that used it have all the makings of a great crime mystery. Only through months of diligent research were we and the Microsoft Security Response Team able to piece together the elements of what might otherwise have been a perfect crime, totally invisible to existing perimeter and endpoint protection defenses".

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Huddle brings fast, easy document handling to the cloud

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The demands of mobile use in the workplace create extra challenges when it comes to ensuring information is shared effectively. This is a particular issue when it involves working on documents. Help is at hand though as content collaboration specialist Huddle has unveiled a new cloud tool enabling users to quickly and easily create document content in the cloud, share it with teams and collaborate on it with colleagues.

Huddle Note offers an alternative to legacy applications in order to speed up the document handling process. Once a note is created it can be shared with a single click and other users can review and offer feedback. All comments are time-stamped so it's easy to see the full history of a document. There’s full version control too so that you can track all previous versions and revert to an earlier one if required. Because it uses the existing Huddle platform your notes are protected by enterprise-grade security.

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Birst brings a visual element to business intelligence

Business intelligence solutions, although they provide a wealth of information, traditionally rely on analytical techniques that take a good deal of time and effort to produce meaningful output. Birst has been a leader in cloud-based BI for a while and is now launching a visual discovery facility to streamline access.

Birst Visualizer sits on top of the existing Birst product's logical layer to provide accurate, business-aware enterprise data. It aims to combine a Google-like search with Amazon-style recommendations, allowing decision makers self-service access to data that might previously have needed specialist reporting skills.

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