Articles about Cloud

HR and marketing lead the way in cloud service adoption

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Marketing and HR have the highest number of cloud services per organization, at 121 and 139 respectively.

This is among the findings of the latest Netskope Cloud Report which also highlights that because many of these apps are user-led they are flying below the radar of the IT department and could be in breach of policies and controls.

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Cloud adoption is up but 35 percent of spend is wasted

Cloud dollars

The dash to move data and applications to the cloud shows no signs of slowing down, but while the adoption of cloud solutions is up there are still major challenges.

A new report from cloud delivery specialist RightScale shows that 26 percent of enterprises (with more than 1,000 employees) are spending over $6 million a year on public cloud.

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Business data is getting bigger

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It probably comes as no surprise that we're all storing more data. But just how much of an impact is this having for businesses.

Enterprise file sharing specialist Egnyte says 82 percent of businesses are hybrid-enabled, keeping their data both physically backed up and in put into cloud storage. This is up from 76 percent in 2016.

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Check Point launches enterprise cloud protection

Secure cloud

As enterprises move more of their system to the cloud, they open up more of their workloads to potential attack.

In order to offer protection against cyberattacks on cloud infrastructure workloads, services and software-as-a-service applications on public and private cloud platforms, Check Point is launching a new family of cloud security products.

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Public cloud services like Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive fail to protect against zero-day malware

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Hackers and cyber criminals are becoming wise to the fact that they can use cloud applications to spread malware.

In response, top cloud providers now offer malware protection in an attempt to stop files containing malware being uploaded. But a new report reveals that placing your trust in this protection may be ill-advised.

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Cloud will account for 95 percent of total data center traffic by 2021

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Cloud services are increasingly dominating the internet and could account for 95 percent of data center traffic in three years time.

This is among the findings of the latest Global Cloud Index report from networking company Cisco, which finds both consumer and business applications are contributing to the growth in demand.

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Security is top priority in choosing cloud solutions

cloud security

Security is the main priority when selecting cloud solutions according to a new report which shows businesses are increasingly adapting their security to suit the cloud.

The study for cloud security automation company Lacework carried out by analysts Hurwitz & Associates shows that 'safe and secure' tops the list of desirable cloud characteristics, cited by 53 percent of respondents.

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Arcserve launches affordable cloud disaster recovery service

Cloud recovery

Disaster recovery has often been a choice between maintaining system availability at high cost, or choosing a cheaper solution at the expense of longer recovery times.

Now data protection and recovery specialist Arcserve is launching a new direct-to-cloud disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) and backup as a service (BaaS) solution aimed at mid-sized businesses.

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Data threats are the new reality as organizations embrace transformative technologies

data threat

With 99 percent of organizations using big data, 94 percent Internet of Things devices, and 91 percent using or working on mobile payments, there are more attack surfaces than ever and new risks that need to be addressed.

A new study from systems and cyber security company Thales e-Security finds the extent and impact of increased threats clearly shown in levels of data breaches and vulnerability.

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How GDPR will affect your email archiving [Q&A]


The arrival of GDPR is set to impact on many aspects of commercial operation, not least email. But what about old emails that are stored or archived?

We spoke to Marc French, chief trust officer at cloud email specialist Mimecast to find out more about GDPR and an aspect that organizations may have overlooked.

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Organizations blame their own staff for cloud security incidents

When systems are in the cloud, 45 percent of organizations perceive their own employees to be the biggest security risk, according to a new report.

According to user behavior specialist Netwrix, even though the majority of attacks they experienced over the year were external, organizations blame their own IT staff (39 percent) and business users (33 percent) as much as or more than their cloud providers (33 percent).

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How moving inventory to the cloud can streamline your business [Q&A ]


A major trend we've been seeing in inventory management (and business, in general) is for companies to move from a desktop solution to a cloud solution. This has profound implications for the nature of how businesses manage their inventory, and we thought it would be interesting to get the low down on this trend from an industry expert.

Christy Hair is an inventory solution specialist with Boxstorm,  an online inventory management specialist. We asked her a series of questions about cloud inventory management and how moving a company's inventory to the cloud can help it streamline its processes in new ways.

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Fewer than five percent of enterprise apps will move to the cloud in 2018

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A new study of over 160 IT directors and chief technology officers at companies with more than 1,000 employees shows that while 78 percent are planning to upgrade their enterprise applications, the cloud doesn't feature in many plans.

The survey by digital experience platform Sapho reveals that fewer than five percent of enterprise apps will migrate to the cloud from on-premises in 2018, mainly because of security and compliance issues, but also because many of these apps are so ingrained in daily business processes, they can't be moved.

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Organizations could face up to $19 billion in losses if a cloud provider is hacked

Data cloud lock

If a hacker were to gain control of a cloud provider for over three days, businesses could face losses up to a whopping $19 billion, with SMBs carrying the largest economic and insurance losses, according to a new report.

In partnership with the American Institutes for Research (AIR), insurance market Lloyd's of London is unveiling a new report detailing the financial impact of a cyberattack on a US cloud provider.

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HyperStore platform lets businesses unify cloud and in-house storage

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The rise of the cloud has made for greater complexity in business IT environments, with data accumulating on different platforms and in different locations.

To address this problem, object storage company Cloudian is launching a new version of its HyperStore platform which integrates data management capabilities to bridge traditional and cloud native environments, as well as object and file storage types.

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