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Backups are for life, not just World Backup Day

Backups have been an essential part of IT since the days of paper tape and punched cards, but nobody ever said they were exciting.

Of all the things that now have a day devoted to them, backups probably deserve one more than most for being the unsung savior of many an information professional's career. On today's World Backup Day we've asked some experts to tell us their views on backups and why they are still vital.

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World Backup Day: IT and security teams need to work better together or we are going to fail


It's like in the movie "Groundhog Day". Every 31st March the music plays and on World Backup Day we are reminded of the promise: "I solemnly swear to back up my important documents and applications". A noble goal that every company and every user immediately agrees to.

But in the weeks surrounding World Backup Day, we hear from the media that companies have been hacked and their data hijacked by ransomware. The big promise to restore the data from the backup and thus be resistant to any attempt at blackmail is then broken again.

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Microsoft is testing a new way for Windows 11 users to install free apps and games

Microsoft Store update

New Insider builds of Windows 11 are usually about Microsoft testing out new features of the operating system, but sometimes the company tries something a little different. This is something that is true of the latest Canary release, build 25330, and Dev release, build 23424.

In both of these new releases, there are important changes to the Microsoft Store. The latest version of the app gives Insiders a new way to install free apps and games faster than ever.

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Beyond the smoke and mirrors of zero trust security [Q&A]

Enterprises are faced with a barrage of new threats and entry points and as a result need to deploy, scale, enforce and maintain zero trust security policies to keep pace.

Access control needs to be at the core of any successful zero trust model but this too presents challenges. We spoke to Denny LeCompte, CEO of Portnox, to discover how organizations can overcome zero trust barriers.

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Microsoft fixes Azure BingBang bug that allowed Bing search hijacking and leaked private data


Microsoft has addressed a serious flaw in Azure Active Directory which was dubbed BingBang by the security researchers that discovered it.

The vulnerability not only made it possible to manipulate Bing search results, but also to access private data from Outlook, Office 365 and Teams. The issue stemmed from an Azure misconfiguration; it dates back to January this year, but Microsoft has only just plugged the hole.

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Microsoft releases experimental Windows 11 Build 25330 to the Canary Channel

Canary build

As well as releasing a new Windows 11 build for Insiders in the Dev Channel, Microsoft today also introduces a new flight to its experimental Canary Channel.

Build 25330 won’t be offered to Insiders with Arm64 devices, and it comes with a selection of changes and improvements.

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Microsoft releases Windows 11 Build 23424 with evolved widgets board

Windows Insider Dev Build

Last week, Microsoft rolled out a Windows 11 test build to the new Canary Channel, which (among other things) introduced an evolved widget board that sports a larger canvas (up to three columns), with dedicated sections for widgets and feed content.

Testing for this clearly went well, as today as the software giant makes it available to Windows Insiders in the Dev Channel.

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Watch 23 years' worth of programs failing to respond in Windows (from Windows 2000 to Windows 11) in just two minutes

In a nostalgic trip down memory lane, YouTube channel Nobel Tech has created a video showcasing the evolution of the infamous "This Program is Not Responding" Windows error message over the years.

The video starts with the prompt in Windows 2000 and takes viewers on a journey through time, ending with the message that shows up in the latest version of Microsoft’s operating system, Windows 11.

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71 percent of employees have sensitive work data on personal devices

Allowing people to use their own devices for work comes with risks. A new report from SlashNext shows that 43 percent of employees were found to have been the target of a work-related phishing attack on their personal devices.

When it comes to securing BYOD hardware, 90 percent of security leaders say that protecting employees' personal devices is a top priority, but only 63 percent say they definitely have the tools to do so adequately.

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Microsoft is bringing a new Registry Preview utility to PowerToys


This year has seen the addition of a veritable smorgasbord of tools to the PowerToys utility collection -- and the pace shows no sign of slowing. Recent arrivals include Mouse Jump and Paste As Plain Text, and next in line is a handy registry utility.

PowerToys developers are currently working on a new tool called Registry Preview. Designed with power users in mind, this upcoming module will make it possible to preview the effects of importing a .reg file into the registry as well as providing registry editing options.

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Shadow data is a top concern for security teams

Shadow data is named as the number one concern around protecting cloud data by 68 percent of data security professionals.

A new study from Laminar reveals that the number of respondents expressing concern over shadow data has increased to 93 percent compared to 82 percent the year before.

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Agent-based vs. agentless approaches -- how to implement cloud security

Cloud security

Implementing your security approach will depend on how you can translate your approach from strategy into reality. As part of this, you will have to make decisions on what tools you use based on the functions that they cover, how they help you create and use data, and how they work. This latter part is important as all security professionals have their own preferences. One of the big debates here is whether you use agent-based or agentless tools.

Using security tools that rely on agents can be an issue for some security professionals, while others will swear by their agent-based tool of choice, and you would have to pry it from their hands. The challenge here is when you have a combination of complex environments to consider, faster software development goals to support, real-time security pressures to contend with, and more data than you know what to do with. So what approach should you choose?

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HEAT attacks: A new spin on browser exploit techniques

HEAT attacks

It is no secret that the web browser is becoming an increasingly popular target for cybercriminals looking to compromise an endpoint to gain entry to a network. The increased business use of the browser (remote work) on networks that lack the perimeter security infrastructure of traditional campus networks has made them easier to exploit. In recent months, we have seen an increase in cyberattacks and data leaks caused by browser-related security incidents, including a data breach caused by a phishing attack on Dropbox that gained the hacker access to over 100 of the company’s code repositories in November, and December’s CircleCi breach resulting from an infection of information-stealing malware.

Highly Evasive Adaptive Threats, or HEAT attacks, are a new spin on existing browser exploit techniques that make them much more dangerous. These attacks exploit browsers by leveraging features and tools to bypass traditional security controls and then attack from within, including compromising credentials or deploying ransomware. Comprised of known tactics such as phishing messages, HTML smuggling and dynamic drive-by downloads, these attacks frequently target SaaS applications and other web-based tools that are critical to productivity.

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Reactive approach to cybersecurity is a problem for organizations

A new survey shows respondents feel a reactive approach to security is problematic for their organizations. 90 percent of them say they struggle with challenges when they react to cyber security problems as they arise.

The study, conducted by Forrester Consulting for WithSecure, shows most organizations currently approach cyber security on a reactive basis, with 60 percent of respondents saying they react to individual cyber security problems as they arise.

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Microsoft is preparing to bring ads to AI-powered Bing Chat

Bing Chat

In a move that will come as a surprise to just about no one, Microsoft has announced that it is "exploring" the idea of adding advertising to its GPT-4-based Bing Chat.

The company is framing the addition of ads to the AI-powered chat bot as a means of "driving more traffic and value to publishers from the new Bing". Microsoft says that it is seeking to do this by, among other things, "pioneering the future of advertising".

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