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4K is yesterday's news! VESA ushers in the 8K era with DisplayPort Standard Version 1.4

When DVDs were first released, I was dubious that they could best the amazing quality of VHS. A trip to my local Nobody Beats the Wiz for a demo changed my opinion, however. Subsequently, the mainstream release of HDTV, Blu-ray and ultimately 4K have kept me excited and anticipating more. Heck, some companies have even released 5K displays, but I digress.

As many consumers are just beginning to embrace 4K in their homes, it is already old news. Today, the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) announces the publishing of DisplayPort Standard Version 1.4. Why is this exciting? Because it essentially ushers in the 8K era at 60Hz!

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Sony details features in the upcoming PlayStation 4 beta software

A few weeks ago we told you that Sony planned to release a beta version of its PS4 software, taking it to build 3.5. The beta was opened up to people to sign up for and now it's approaching the roll-out date. And the company is detailing what customers should expect.

Code-named "Musashi", the iteration begins to go out to users tomorrow. Regardless if you have chosen to enter the program, you will get this software sooner or later, once the testing ends.

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Cloud solutions offer intangible benefits to businesses and customers

There are ways cloud-based solutions are improving businesses that are easy to spot and monitor, such as faster and more flexible access to technology, as well as less spending, but it’s the changes that you can’t see, or measure, that are transforming businesses, eg solutions says.

The Cloud Industry Forum has done the research, and here’s what cloud-based solutions can do to your business that’s basically intangible: 60 percent have reported improvements to both customer and employee propositions, and 29 percent have reported improvements in customer service.

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Windows 10 overtakes Windows 8.x, but its growth is slow despite Microsoft forcing it on users

In January, according to figures from NetMarketShare, Windows 10 managed to best Windows 8.1 in terms of usage share. In February, it overtook both flavors of the tiled OS -- Windows 8 and 8.1 combined.

That’s hardly surprising, as Windows 8.x is losing share at almost the same rate that Windows 10 is gaining it. In a month when Windows 10 became a recommended update, meaning on some machines the installation of the OS could start automatically, you might expect growth to be strong, but you’d be wrong.

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AMD unveils A10-7890K APU and Athlon X4 880K CPU -- its fastest such processors ever

Since I am not a hardcore gamer, when I build my computers, I do not put a huge focus on raw graphics power. Don't get me wrong, having a top-of-the-line GPU would be great, but just isn't worth the money for me. With that said, I don't want anemic hardware either -- I aim for balanced value.

If you are a casual gamer on a budget, AMD's APUs are a godsend. For a paltry amount of money, you get a CPU and GPU in one (with an upgrade path). Not only do you save money, but get respectable performance too. Today, AMD announces its fastest APU ever, the Wraith-cooled A10-7890K. For those that prefer buying a dedicated graphics card, the company also reveals its 'fastest multi-core Athlon' ever, the X4 880K CPU.

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Cyber threats could overwhelm the healthcare industry

Medical data risk

Healthcare organizations average about one cyber attack per month and almost half say they have experienced an incident involving the loss or exposure of patient information during the last year, leaving patients at risk of identity theft.

These are among the findings of a survey by security company ESET and the Ponemon Institute into cyber security in the healthcare sector.

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Transform Windows 10 into the operating system it should be

Windows 10 is a decent operating system, but there are a lot of niggles with it that I find frustrating, and I know I’m not alone in this. I’m not too worried about the new operating system "spying" on me, but there are plenty of other areas where, frankly, Microsoft could -- and should -- be doing better.

In the main, I find Windows 10 to still be rather half-baked. It’s very much a work in progress rather than a finished, and polished operating system. Fortunately if you take matters into your own hands, you can improve the OS in myriad ways and fix all of the issues that Microsoft can't, or won't.

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Google now sells its Cardboard VR headset for $15

The cost of a standalone virtual reality headset is prohibitive at this point, with prices for devices like Oculus Rift and HTC Vive Pre exceeding the $500 mark. However, if you want to experience this new technology, there are more affordable options to choose from, in the form of smartphone-powered headsets.

Such headsets are dirt cheap in comparison. Apple, for instance, sells one for just under $30 for iPhones through its online store -- it works with Android smartphones too. And now Google is also offering Cardboard, at an even lower price point.

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Updated Snooper's charter will allow police to remotely hack phones and computers

The UK's controversial Snooper's charter (or draft Investigatory Powers Bill) has been updated to grant the police sweeping new powers. The new legislation will permit authorities to not only access the browsing histories of suspected criminals, but also to remotely hack into computers and phones in certain circumstances.

Previous version of the bill had limited such powers to the investigation of "serious crime", but the updated version expands this dramatically. Home Secretary Theresa May is hoping to push the draft Investigatory Powers Bill through parliament later this year. The bill has already met with strong criticism from not only privacy groups, but also governmental advisers. While there are some concessions to protect unbreakable encryption, the latest changes will do little to assuage concerns with the bill.

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New platform helps mid-sized organizations respond to cyber threats


Cyber attacks don't discriminate when it comes to the size of the organization. But smaller enterprises can lack the resources needed to effectively deal with them.

Incident response specialist Resilient Systems -- which is in the process of being acquired by IBM -- has designed its latest Resilient Commercial Incident Response Platform (IRP) to meet the needs of mid-sized organizations.

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Some smartphone users would not be 'upset' by data theft

There are two kinds of people in this world, and I don’t mean those who can read binary and those that cannot. I’m thinking about those who are aware of the security risks smartphones pose, and those who aren’t.

And according to a new survey by security firm Norton, the world is literally split in half over this -- 56 percent of those surveyed say the prospect of the financial and banking information stored on their phone being hacked is "upsetting". Meaning, for the remaining 44 percent it’s not upsetting.

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New solution aims to eliminate passwords in the workplace

security verification

Passwords are increasingly seen as insufficient to protect sensitive systems and companies are looking for more secure alternatives.

Digital identity company Intercede is introducing new software that works with Intel's latest Intel Authenticate technology with the aim of eliminating workplace passwords entirely.

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Google Maps for iOS adds detour function, 3D touch support

Google has extended its pit-stop feature -- the ability to find places to stop off on journeys -- to iPhone and iPad users with the release of Google Maps for iOS 4.16.

The ability to create diversions was first unveiled in Google Maps for Android back in October, and allows users to add pit stops to a planned route during journeys while in navigation mode.

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Remove your PC's junk files with Kaspersky Cleaner

Russian security vendor Kaspersky has released Kaspersky Cleaner, a free beta for Windows XP and later.

The program is designed to delete junk Windows and application files, check your system settings are giving you the best level of privacy, and restore broken settings which might be interfering with your PC’s operations.

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Your business doesn't have a website? A DDoS attack can still happen

DDoS attack start

Just because your business doesn’t have a website, that doesn’t mean it can’t be a victim of a DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack. This sentence might not make much sense at this point, but keep reading.

Security firm Kaspersky Lab and researchers B2B International looked at what cyber-crooks go for when attacking businesses and enterprises, and here’s what they came up with:

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