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Instantly invert your screen colours with NegativeScreen

Optimizing your PC’s screen colors cuts eyestrain, reduces headaches, and helps you sleep at nights. It can be surprisingly easy, too -- set up a program like SunsetScreen and it works largely automatically.

There may still be times when your display is too light, or maybe too dark, though, and that’s where NegativeScreen comes in. It’s a tiny freeware app for Windows 7 and later which can invert your screen colors on demand.

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Sony unveils PlayStation 4 remote

Sony is set to release an officially-licensed remote control for the PlayStation 4 in the fall, which is intended to provide easy navigation and media playback functionality.

The PlayStation’s remote will work through Bluetooth and will allow the user to control up to four devices including the PS4, TV, set top box and audio receiver.

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Nintendo and Facebook partner on new Super Mario Maker video game

The first video game that I ever fell in love with was Super Mario Brothers for the Nintendo Entertainment System. While I had a second-hand Atari 2600 with Mario Brothers, it did not compare to the magic of the "Super" variant on Nintendo's console. While I bought every home Nintendo console since the NES, I did not buy the most recent one, the Wii U. While Nintendo consoles have always been about the software -- hardware specifications be damned -- I felt that company was too conservative with this newest console and delivered a sub-par product.

The upcoming Wii U exclusive game, Super Mario Maker, however, has me wishing I had the console. Much like the classic Nintendo games Excite Bike and Wrecking Crew, the user can create and edit levels. In other words, anyone that buys the game can contribute to the Mario universe, and even share it online. Today, Nintendo announces that it is partnering with Facebook for a very special level in the game.

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Huge improvements made to Google Voice transcription accuracy

If you're a Google Voice user, you'll almost certainly have experienced its frequently insane attempts at voicemail transcriptions. There are times when these offer some hilarious relief in the middle of a dull day, but they also stand in the way of, you know… actually understanding what's been said.

Transcriptions that are not accurate are less than helpful, and Google has taken steps to up its game. Using sample voicemails from volunteers, it has been possible to improve voicemail transcriptions so there are far fewer errors. The new and improved system is available right now, and Google is keen for you to try it out.

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Why should you upgrade to Windows 10? 'Multi-doing' and getting things done

This time next week many of us will have upgraded to Windows 10. Until that day, Microsoft continues to publish videos pushing the benefits that the latest incarnation has to offer. This time around we are treated to a guide to 'multi-doing'.

Microsoft explains that this is "all about removing the obstacles between you and 'Done'", and the video is essentially a showcase of all of the tools that help with productivity. From Snap Assist to virtual desktop, Microsoft uses its latest video to show just what Windows 10 can do for you.

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HORNET is an encrypted, anonymous web browsing system that destroys Tor's performance

With the current concerns about surveillance and privacy, more and more people are turning to anonymizing tools. The existence of unknown numbers of spying tools means that increasing numbers of people are turning to the likes of Tor to keep their online activities private.

But encryption systems such as those used by The Onion Relay have a horrible tendency to slow things down. A new encryption system called HORNET could be a solution. Its creators say that data transfer speeds of up to 93GBps are possible, with much of the acceleration coming from a reduction in the number of hops data has to make around the network.

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Should Apple keep making iPads?

When Apple released its Q3 report for FY2015, it revealed that its iPad sales continue to fall. This was the first quarter when the iPad’s revenue was lower than Mac sales. The past quarter reported that the revenue was lower than a couple hundred million dollars, but this quarter shows that the difference is nearly $1.5 billion.

This is quite a substantial drop in revenue, but still, the iPad in terms of units sold is still higher than Mac sales.

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Microsoft thanks you for using Bing Listens to guide its future

As shown by the Window Insider program and the development of Windows 10, Microsoft is now all ears. Under Satya Nadella, this is now a company that wants to listen to, and be guided by, its customers. Google may dominate the search arena, but Microsoft is keen for Bing to eat into its market share by giving people what they want.

This is precisely why the Bing Listens program was created, giving people an opportunity to make suggestions about changes and additions they'd like to see made. Today Microsoft not only thanks people for providing feedback, but also reveals some of the suggestions it has acted on. Have your idea been used?

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Want to be the next iJustine or Shane Dawson? Canon Video Creator Kits can help

The world is changing; whether for the better or worse is debatable. When it comes to entertainment, the dinosaur media such as network television is in massive trouble. Why? Many people are turning to the web for videos nowadays, from services like YouTube and Twitch.

Guess what? Many online personalities are getting paid, and paid well, and becoming genuine celebrities. Vloggers (video bloggers) such as iJustine and Shane Dawson have millions of followers and make their livings from these videos. Hell, PewDiePie is a millionaire from playing video games online. Do you think you can be the next big vlogger, but don't know where to start? Don't worry. Cannon's Video Creator Kits will start you down the path of Internet stardom.

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Enterprise cloud economy is booming

Cloud money

The market for enterprise technology products is booming with 72 percent of high-technology providers reporting growth in sales quote volumes according to a new report.

According to the SAAS Purchases Report from sales quoting software specialist SteelBrick this market is growing much faster than the overall US economy.

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This is what OnePlus Two looks like

OnePlus has been dropping hints on the OnePlus Two for a few months now, but one part we haven’t seen is the design. Chinese wireless regulator TENAA fixed that, by showing all four sides of the OnePlus Two.

We are not sure if TENAA meant to upload the images or if there was an issue internally. Usually, phone manufacturers make sure regulators don’t publicize images of the phone before release, a request usually granted.

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Mozilla Developer Network turns 10

In February 2005 a small team of developers set out to create an open, free, community-built online resource for all Web developers.

A few months later, on 23 July, 2005 the original Mozilla Developer Network wiki site launched. Since then it has evolved steadily for the convenience and the benefit of its users.

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Care to hike Mongolia? Google Maps does it for you

Mongolia seems to be a country largely forgotten by the outside world. Aside from Genghis Khan it appears few people know much about the Asian nation. That's a shame because it has a beautiful countryside with deserts, rivers and mountains.

Now Google wants to take you on a rather long journey through the country -- 5,000 km to be exact. All the way across Mongolia, including those beautiful Steppes.

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New collaboration helps deliver self-serve analytics solutions

business integration

Business intelligence is only of use if it can be delivered quickly to decision makers. That's why there's increasing demand for self-service solutions that make it easy for managers to extract information.

Enterprise BI specialist Pyramid Analytics is announcing a strategic collaboration with Microsoft to deliver development collaboration and technology integration.

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Get your finances under control with Yapbam

Managing your money can be complicated, tedious, time-consuming. It’s tempting to just leave your accounts to look after themselves, and if your finances aren’t too tight then you might get away with that. For a while, anyway.

Keeping track of your balances is a much better idea, though, and it doesn’t have to be difficult. Yapbam (Yet Another Personal Bank Account Manager) is a cross-platform personal finance manager which helps you get started almost immediately.

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